Here are the provisions on access to the stadium “S.Lamberti” of Cava de ‘Tirreni, the Communication area of ​​Sorrento Calcio Srl communicates to the operators of the press organs and observers of the individual football clubs, that the requests for accreditation must be compiled strictly following the rules that will be, from time to time, communicated through the mailing list and on the website (in the Press and multimedia section). In particular, in order to comply with the provisions on the introduction of the numbered and nominative ticket, the accreditation applications that will not be accompanied by a copy of an identity document (with the place and date of birth legible) WILL NOT BE MORE CONSIDERED IN CONSIDERATION ) of all applicants; will arrive later than the indicated deadline (within 12 hours of two days before the race). Requests should be sent only and exclusively by fax to the number 081.8771306. In the light of the introduction of the new distribution system for entry coupons, applications that do not meet the requirements for the assignment of the post and the identification of the applicants will be discarded without notice.

    According to the Regulations for the exercise of sports news, released by Lega pro, the Communication area of ​​Sorrento Calcio Srl informs that requests for press accreditation, for league and cup matches, must be received no later than 12 hours two days before the event. The request, to be transmitted only and exclusively by fax to the number 081.8771306 must be filled in on headed paper, and must include: name of the newspaper and the registration number to the Court; signature of the director and / or editor-in-chief and / or chief service officer; name, surname, date and place of birth of the applicant; copy of the applicant’s National Order Journalist card. The technical staff is required to submit a regular request for accreditation, but not the copy of the card of the Order of Journalists. At the entrance to the stadium, however, it must be “accompanied by the journalist of the service and show a document of identification, with a photograph and issued by the issuer, certifying that it belongs to the issuer” (Article 8). The credits will be assigned with the following criteria:
    • n. 1 “pass” for press and web press (1 journalist);
    • n. 2 pass for radio stations (1 journalist + 1 operator);
    • n. 2 “pass” for television titles (1 journalists + 1 operator);
    • n. 1 “pass” photographer (newspapers, magazines, magazines, web).
    Please note that, pursuant to article 7 of the Lega regulations, only the following are authorized to submit a credit application:
    • journalists, and for these also include radio commentators and commentators, in possession of the press card issued by Coni;
    • journalists in possession of the membership card of the National Order of Journalists valid for the current year or of the USSI card valid for the current year;
    • photographers, technicians, radio and television operators that actually belong to newspapers (membership must be demonstrated through a document issued by the editor of the magazine).
    Requests for crediting of newspapers will not be considered without regular registration to the Court or in registration. In the event that the request is not provided with one or more of the above requirements, or should arrive after the deadline, it will not be taken into consideration. In this regard, please avoid unnecessary requests for derogations. Even in the presence of a regular application for accreditation, pursuant to the Lega regulations, the company Sorrento Calcio Srl may refuse the authorization “access to the stadium in any other case where the entry of journalists, technical staff and equipment registration and recovery is incompatible with the number of places available “. Passes will, as a rule, be assigned respecting the history of requests, compatibly with the availability of seats in the press booth. PASS will be available at the “Accreditation” gate of the stadium, from 2.15 pm on the day of the race. The Communication area reiterates that access to the stadium will be allowed only to professionals, regularly accredited and sent to actually provide service. 
    Those in possession of the Aia, Figc and Coni cards are also invited to formalize the request accompanied by a copy of the identification document, at fax number 081.8771306, within two days before the race (12.00).
    The football clubs can request accreditation for an observer by sending a regular application to fax number 081.8771306, within two days before the race (12 hours). The application must be accompanied by a copy of the applicant’s identification document.